How many total sports are in the games? Ah, that's a slighly tricky question...I won't answer it for you, but you can easily Google it. Furthermore, you can use this sort of question (and answer) as a way to capture attention. And the proof is in the few moments you took trying to rack your brains trying to figure out the answer. When I added that you can easily 'Google it,' no doubt it planted the seed of action in your mind. Whether you intend to do so our not depends on your level of curiosity, but, there it is: If you can pique your audience's curiosity, you're halfway to your goal.
Many are familiar with the popular "I don't think you know what that word means" meme from The Princess Bride. You can play on that ("Greco-Roman Wresting? I don't think you know what that sport really means"), etc. When it comes to headlines, for example, you have a treasure tove, for instance: Can't figure out figure staking? Is your content in a bore-a-thon? Wushu were here. Of course, it all depends on context...
So on the threshold of the games, here are some quick tips to help you stay on top of things:
Familiarize yourself with the games themselves, as well as the venues. Where are the games being played? Equestrian, for example, is taking place in Versailles. You can have copywriting (or content) fun with that! Find out more about the venues here.
Be on top of the action. That means, keeping score (literally), checking social media frequently - not just sports-wise, but on the news, and side/wacky stuff that you can use.
Keep it concise
Keep it straight and to the point. Don't make the user scratch their head in confusion!
Humor is always a winning track.
Who are the sponsors? Follow them and check out what they're doing, for inspiration.
Trivia and anecdotes -almost always never fail. And there's no shortage of Olympic games trivia!
Whether yours is B2B or B2C services or products, you can always infuse your copywriting or content with olympic themed ideas.
Olympics-related ads rely heavily on emotions. Remember the old adage about people buying with emotion? Whether it's a reason to use a cloud-security platform (safeguard your content), a yearly/timed/flash sale (IKEA has turned this into a tradition, and now people almost look forward to their annual sale), or taking advantage of breaking news to mock something/someone (thanks to social media, a good one can run viral within moments).
Enjoy the games!